Giel Maka (Guillaume)
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Guillaume Maka is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 34 #01

War Memorial in Aachen-Eilendorf

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Giel Maka

 27-10-1898 Maastricht      06-02-1942 Leusden (43)
- Ondergrondse pers - Communists & Sympathizers - Maastricht -

Maastrichtse Gevelstenen

    Giel Maka was a civil engineering worker, belonged to the resistance group De Vonk (a.o. printing and distribution of illegal literature [1], arrested on 9 September 1941 for refusing to work in Germany. [1#12]
    Two different causes of death are reported: executed and deprivation. [2]
    His son Pierre asked the Oorlogsgravencomitee (War Graves Committee) of Groesbeek for information in December 1983, but was also able to contribute himself: …. According to eyewitnesses, the cause of death was a shot in the head and two shots in the chest. On the "Totenschein", death certificate, the NSB camp doctor Nieuwenhuysen gave as diagnosis "pulmonary tuberculosis". This was doubted by the Maastricht police at the time as well.
    A. Is the cause mentioned by the eyewitnesses still provable?
    B. When resistance members were reburied, used the coffins to be opened to determine the actual cause of death, e.g. bullet holes in the bones?…
    In early June 1983 he wrote to the OGS: After the war, the NSB camp doctor Nieuwenhuysen admitted that the real cause was 2 shots in the chest and 1 in the head. [1#14]

    In May 1962, his grave in the Oostermaas Cemetery in Maastricht came up for clearance, as the lease expired. It was decided to have him reburied at state expense in Loenen. [1#26]

    Reburied on the National Field of Honor in Loenen, grave  A 307 [3]


    1. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting (@ Nationaal archief),
      Dossier Giel Maka • #11#12#14#26
    3. Nationaal Ereveld Loenen, oorlogsmonumenten
      Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutsch