Adriaan Sars (Adrianus Johannes Albertus)
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Adrianus Johannes Albertus Sars is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 10 #03

War Memorial in Aachen-Eilendorf

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Adriaan Sars
(Adrianus Johannes Albertus)

 26-12-1905 ’s-Hertogenbosch      23-04-1945 Passau (Mauthausen) (39)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Roermond -


    Adriaan Sars was a vicar at the cathedral of Roermond and therefore, of course, a member of the LO.
    With the arrival of a paratrooper battalion under the command of Major Ulrich Matthaeas, a somber, ominous atmosphere arose in Roermond. The major complained to his superiors that the male population was a danger to his soldiers. One of his subordinates, F.W. Held, exercised a real terror on the inhabitants of Roermond in December. He was assisted by two residents who gave him all sorts of tips. On December 17, vicar Sars fell into the hands of F.W. Held. Sars and Held had clashed earlier. Held had been waiting for a suitable moment to arrest Sars. [1]
    That happened on December 17, 1944. [2]
    Do you know more? Write us!
    He was put on transport to Buchenwald with a group around the Catholic parish priest Windhausen from Steyl, Leo Kluitmans and the Protestant pastor H.Ch.J. Hoogendijk from Roermond to Buchenwald.

    On March 13, 1958, the OGS wrote to the city of Passau, Bavaria, asking if they knew anything about where vicar Sars was buried, who died in the Passau area. [3#7]
    The Friedhofsamt replied on March 20, 1958, that they knew nothing [3#8], but (probably someone else) wrote the note at the top left of the letter: war KZ Häftling (Nr 131911) Evakuierungsmarsch Bn → Natzweiler oder Dachau [3#7] Translation: Was a concentration camp prisoner (No. 131911) evacuation march Bn → Natzweiler or Dachau.
    For a better understanding, we should know the following: There was a concentration camp in Passau, which had been a subcamp of Mauthausen since November 1942. At the end of April 1945 from this Passau camp 340 Soviet POWs were taken into the forest and murdered. [4] But other methods were also used by the SS, to get rid of their thousands of prisoners by the end of the war. One such method is now known as death marches. Victims were by no means only Jews, as is sometimes assumed. They were also euphemistically called Evakuierungsmärsche (evacuation marches) after the war. An advantage for the SS was, that the victims were not all lying together. [5]
    Adrianus Johannes Albertus ( Adriaan ) Sars is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [6]


    1. 1. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      De Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp aan onderduikers, p. 621
      2. Roermond, dec. 1944
      3. In Memoriam Adriaan Sars
    2. Oorlogsgravenstichting: De Maasbode 24-07-1945
    3. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting (@ Nationaal archief), Dossier Adrianus Johannes Albertus Sars • #7#8
    4. Wikipedia D
    5. Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol
    6. Erelijst 1940-1945