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Limburg 1940-1945,
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1940-1945. The resistance in the dutch province of Limburg


The persons listed below belonged to the Sicherheitspolizei in Maastricht. This is also called SD or Sicherheitsdienst, because the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (R.S.H.A) was established in 1939 after the merger of the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo) and the Sicherheitsdienst (S.D.). [1]
The personnel of the R.S.H.A wore gray S.S. uniforms with S.D. badges.
Because “the people” no longer saw any difference between SiPo and S.D. because they wore the same uniforms, popular speech referred exclusively to the S.D. and the term SiPo was hardly common.
Fred Cammaert invariably uses the word Sipo in Het verborgen front, and accordingly the same is done here.
For much more information, also read Sipo Maastricht.
See also the full size of the group photo on the right.
Source niod
Aussendienststelle Sipo- und S.D. Maastricht. From left to right Hauptscharführer Nitsch, Untersturmführer Elsholz, Hauptscharführer Unger, Hauptsturmführer Strobel, Sturmscharführer Micheels, Untersturmführer Schwartzenbacher, Oberscharführer Voskamp, Sturmscharführer Meyer and Scharführer Witt.

  1. R.S.H.A. Sipo / SD, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisPortuguês
  2. Aussendienststelle Maastricht R.S.H.A.


The fallen resistance people in Limburg

Sipo/SD – 6 pers.

- Police - Sipo/SD - NSDAP - War Criminals - Survivors -

Cammaert wrote: Staff member of Sipo-Maastricht. Was feared and hated because of his hunting of Jews and people in hiding. He made many victims. [1] Hans Conrad was …
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSDAP - Survivors -

{Before coming to Maastricht, Elsholz worked for the state police in Berlin.} [1.1] Cammaert writes further about him: {Employee of the Sipo-Maastricht. Due to his rather moderate behavior, …

Cornelius Wilhelm
∗ 1919-02-12
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSDAP - War Criminals - Survivors -

Er is op 24 november 1938 in Heerlen een huwelijk gesloten tussen Cornelis Willem Klonen en Else Irene Krissel. Echtscheiding ingeschreven na het vonnis van de arrondissementsrechtbank te …

Richard Heinrich Georg
∗ 1908-11-01
Todtgüslingen (Niede
† 0000-00-00
Bad Bentheim ?
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSDAP - War Criminals - Survivors -

Richard Nitsch was one of the notorious sadists of the SiPo in Maastricht [1], which was subordinate to the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office) of Reinhard …

Cornelis Martinus Wilhelmus
∗ 1901-11-28
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSB - War Criminals - Survivors -

Picture: Before coming to Maastricht, Willy Schut was the chauffeur of Anton Mussert, the leader of the NSB. [1] Cammaert wrote: Employee of the
∗ 1912-07-15
Oelsnitz (Sachsen, D
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSDAP - War Criminals - Survivors -

Max Strobel was the chief of the SiPo (Sicherheitspolizei) in Maastricht [1], also called SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or Sipo/SD. He was known as a fanatic and a great sadist, surpassed in this only by …