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Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
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Leonardus Adrianus Leo | ∗ 1911-08-04 Oudemolen, gem. Fijnaart † 1980-03-22 Horst | - The clergy - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Survivors - Tegelen - Leo Akkermans’ home village, Oudemolen, is located 28 km west of Breda. Birth and death dates, the photo on the right and information about his career as a priest can be found on his In … t- |
van Joseph Antonius Albertus Albert | ∗ 1899-03-04 Heel & Panheel † 1957-10-25 Weert | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Roermond - Cammaert wrote: Albert van Ass was a traveling milk seller and pub owner, lived in the hamlet of “De Weerd” near Roermond. His house was an important hub for supporting Allied … t- |
M.C.M.H. Michel | ∗ 1902-03-29 Venlo † 1979-05-10 Maastricht | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - Survivors - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Dates of birth and death of Michel Bartels can be found on his In Memoriam card in the Historisch Centrum Limburg. [1] Already in 1940, civil servants and especially former soldiers … t- |
Roelf H. | ∗ 1868-09-25 Groningen † 1942-12-14 KZ Neuengamme | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Ondergrondse pers - Groep Dresen - Maastricht - Factory owner, co-founder of the Dresen Group. Bartels and his wife Maria, 36 years his junior, had two stores in Maastricht, one in Heggenstraat and one in St. Maartenslaan. Captain in the reserve … wall: left, row 30-01 |
van Gerardus Lambertus Johannes Gerard “Pater Beatus” | ∗ 1899-09-21 Amsterdam † 1945-03-20 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Local contacts - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - People in hiding - Heerlen - Gerard van Beckhoven or Father Beatus van Beckhoven OFM was kapelaan (vicar) in Heerlen at the rectorate church of St. Francis on the Laanderstraat in Heerlen [1] and there he became a … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 15-02 |
Alfons Reinoud Fons | ∗ 1925-05-01 Venlo † 1945-01-22 Neuengamme | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Couriers of the Resistance - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Venlo - Fons Berger was the eldest son of the mayor of Venlo, who stepped down in 1941, and attended the gymnasium Sint-Thomas College there. He became a district courier for the L.O. in Venlo, wall: right, row 28-02 |
Henricus Joannes Hubertus Harry | ∗ 1923-10-16 Stevensweert † 1944-09-05 Vught | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Stevensweert - Harry Boers was a blacksmith [1] and roofer. [2] The brothers Harry and Sef Boers mainly took care of prisoners of war who had escaped from … wall: right, row 20-01 |
Josephus Johannes Stephanus Sef | ∗ 1914-05-19 Stevensweert † 1944-09-05 Vught | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Stevensweert - Sef Boers was a blacksmith [1] The brothers Harry and Sef Boers mainly took care of prisoners of war who had escaped from German camps. They … wall: right, row 19-05 |
Charles Marie Hubert Joseph Charles | ∗ 1909-08-07 Venlo † 1944-11-23 KZ Ladelund, KZ Neuengamme | - Police - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Netwerk Bongaerts - Initial resistance - Heerlen - Married to Trees (Theresa) Dahmen. In 1940 Charles was a reserve officer in the Dutch army and during the five day battle of the Netherlands he fought on the so called “Grebbenberg Line”, that … wall: left, row 16-01 |
Martinus Antonius Marie Martin “Bob” | ∗ 1899-05-05 Gouda † 1943-05-02 Wellerlooi | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Zwarte Plak - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Before WWII, Bob Bouman was an officer in the Dutch Colonial Army NIL. [1] After six years in the tropics, he and his family returned to the Netherlands. Here the disease … wall: right, row 04-04 |
Eugénie Marie Theodorina Eugénie | ∗ 1897-06-07 Bressoux, Liège (B) † 1990-06-04 Sevenum | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Sevenum - The above information is taken from the short biography of the teacher Eugénie Boutet from Sevenum on humanitarisme.nl. [1.1] The same information can be found almost identically in large … t- |
Sophie Marie Amélie Jacqueline Sophie | ∗ 1908-10-18 Roermond Geboortedatum: † 1945-03-06 Klingelpütz, Köln | - Women in the resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Ondergrondse pers - Roermond - Sophie Brinkman was the daughter of notary Herman Brinkman and Francisca Brinkman-Rohling in … u-01-02 |
Johannes Henricus Maria Jan | ∗ 1896-08-10 Roermond † 1959-01-11 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: openarchieven.nl. [1] Jan Bronckhorst was married to Mechteldis Margaretha Maria Maessen in 1927. They … t- |
Leendert Th. Leo | ∗ 1907-06-01 Nijmegen † 1943-05-02 Wellerlooi (Bergen [L]) | - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Maastricht - Leendert Brouwer was the district head of Maastricht of the CCD (Crisis Controle Dienst, an agency designed to protect the food market from black marketeers)istrictsleider Crisis Controle Dienst … wall: left, row 30-02 |
Laurent Laur | ∗ 1917-07-19 Maastricht † 1943-10-06 Maastricht | - Unorganized resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Maastricht - Belgium - Laur Collas was a glassblower and worked as a frontier worker in Aachen. On his own initiative, he regularly took escaped forced laborers and French-speaking prisoners of war to Maastricht. But he … u-01-02 |
Colleije (Colleye),
Josephus Hubertus Theodorus Jozef | ∗ 1921-07-27 Eys (Wittem) † 1949-01-25 Nijmegen | - Police - Unorganized resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Engelandvaarders - Simpelveld - Information about Jozef Colleije we find mainly at the website of the municipality of Simpelveld:In the late 30’s and early 40’s he was in the ceramic art workshop in Tegelen. … wall: right, row 17-01 |
Constant Jozef Ernest Constant | ∗ 1895-09-19 Berg en Terblijt, † 1944-09-05 Kamp Vught | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Berg en Terblijt - Heerlen - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - More complicated need of clothing used to be regulated by the director of the municipal social welfare office, Mr Cornips, with me. He was very competent for this due to his … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 17-01 |
van Jacobus A. Jacques | ∗ 1906-09-15 Hoge Mierde † 1987-05-06 Weert | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Couriers of the Resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Cammaert schrijft: Neeritter, geestelijke. Pater Van Gestel raakte in een vroeg stadium betrokken bij de hulp aan Franstalige krijgsgevangenen en bracht enkele belangrijke … t- |
Emile Antoon Felix Emile | ∗ 1903-01-21 Venlo † 1945-03-00 Bergen-Belsen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - People in hiding - Echt - Emile Goossens was a vicar in Echt 1936-1945. For French-speaking prisoners of war who escaped from Germany, downed allied pilots, Jewish fellow citizens and resistance fighters in hiding, he set … wall: left, row 07-01 |
Paul G. | ∗ 1912-05-07 Susteren † 1975-06-05 Sittard | - Netwerk Bongaerts - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Sittard - Foto: bidprentje Historisch Centrum Limburg, te Heerlen (voormalig Rijckheyt) Cammaert schrijft: Sittard. Maakte deel uit van de groep-Bongaerts. Hij hielp krijgsgevangenen … t- |
Hubert Joseph Dyonisius Huub | ∗ 1921-04-16 Simpelveld † 1944-12-29 KZ Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg | - Students - Forced Labor - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - People in hiding - Ondergrondse pers - Simpelveld - Huub Hamers from Simpelveld was the eldest son of the child-rich entrepreneurial family Hamers-Beckers, who ran a wholesale trade in colonial goods with a warehouse in the … wall: right, row 16-04 |
Gerardus Hendrikus Harry | ∗ 1920-06-11 Sevenum † 1993-02-14 Venray | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Local contacts - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Survivors - Sevenum - Gulpen - Harry Harrie Hanssen was rayon leader of the L.O. in Sevenum. Married to Maria Jacoba (Koos) Boots, died 1996. [1] Cammaert writes: One of the leaders of the L.O. in the region. … t- |
Henri Joseph Henri | ∗ 1902-09-09 Swalmen † 1945-09-05 Roermond | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Roermond - Henri Hendrickx, together with his younger brother Sef, ran the Oud-Schöndeln farm in Roermond. Cammaert writes about their help to wall: right, row 06-02 |
Jozef Jacobus Sef | ∗ 1905-04-22 Swalmen † 1945-04-23 Bützow-Dreibergen | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Roermond - Sef Hendrickx, together with his older brother Henri, ran the Schöndeln farm in Roermond. Cammaert writes about their help to wall: right, row 06-03 |
Johannes Jacobus Jan “Ambrosius” | ∗ 1917-02-02 Venlo † 1945-05-03 Oranienburg, KZ Sachsenhausen | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - People in hiding - Aid to Jews - Peace Carillon - Venlo - Jan Hendrikx studied in Nijmegen and was involved in student resistance there before returning to Venlo and becoming a teacher. [1], p. 576 In 1940, J.J. Hendrikx … wall: right, row 28-04 |
Hendrik Eduard Joseph Marie Harry | ∗ 1922-06-21 Vaals † 1945-04-26 Bad Dürrheim Kr. Villingen | - Forced Labor - Dutch Soldiers - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Vaals - Harry Heuschen was a trade correspondent. From his short biography [1]: Among other things, he helped among others Jewish people in hiding. Arrested on December 16, 1942, … wall: right, row 26-01 |
Hubertus Petrus Hermanus Huub „Sjeng“ | ∗ 1915-07-09 Eys, gem. Wittem † 1945-05-19 Ludwigslust | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Wittem - Huub Houben was a vicar in Epen and local head of the Catholic Action. [1] Because he knew many people, he was an important link in smuggling people across the near dutch-belgian border. … wall: right, row 38-05 |
Willem Laurens Wiel | ∗ 1911-03-22 Helden † 1990-10-13 Venlo | - Civil Servants - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Helden - Foto met dank aan het documentatiecentrum De Moennik en André Hanssen De ouders van Wiel Houwen hadden een bakkerij. Blijkbaar heeft Wiel daar ook gewerkt, want het Limburgsch Dagblad … t- |
Karel Père Hugues /Pater Hugo | ∗ 1900-11-17 Antwerpen † 1943-10-09 Bunnik (Utrecht) | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Ondergrondse pers - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Belgium - He was not a resistance fighter in the Dutch province of Limburg, but was in close contact with them and therefore also appears on this list. His resistance activity began by helping escaped … u-01-02 |
Henri Louis Joseph Harrie “Bergmans” | ∗ 1912-10-05 Venlo † 1997-02-05 Panningen | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - The photo on the right and the dates of birth and death can be found on his In Memoriam card, which was provided by the chairman of the local history association OOS NAER in Neer. The photos below … t- |
van Frans Maurits Marie Mauk “Frans” | ∗ 1911-03-13 Groesbeek † 1945-01-20 Linne (Maasbracht) | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Roermond - Mauk van Lamsweerde was director of the Roermond branch of the Rotterdamsche Bank. Member of the resistance under the pseudonym Frans. With his own funds, the baron … wall: right, row 07-04 |
de Amandus Marie Joseph Alphons Armand “André” | ∗ 1906-04-17 Venlo † 1945-03-02 Buchenwald | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Belfeld - Armand de Lauwere (× Peters, Maria Jakobine, ∗ 16-06-1906, Viersen, D) had moved to Belfeld in August 1932 and lived at Julianastraat 10. He was a bookkeeper at the N.V. Nederlandse … wall: left, row 04-01 |
Liedekerke de Pailhe,
de Raphael R.E.J.G. | ∗ 1903-04-15 Eijsden † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen, prov. Utrecht | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Eijsden - Belgium - In May 1940, Raphael de Liedekerke fought in the Belgian army. After returning from captivity, he was demobilized as a reserve lieutenant in the Belgian Army. He was a member of the De … wall: left, row 08-02 |
Josephus Stephanus Hendricus Jo “Thijs” | ∗ 1901-02-05 Rotterdam † 1945-02-11 Neuengamme | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Peace Carillon - Maastricht - Jo Lokerman was train driver with the Dutch Railways [1] and the district leader of the LO in Maastricht. Unusual in the south of the Netherlands at that time: this district leader was not only … wall: left, row 32-05 |
Mechteldis Margaretha Maria | ∗ 1901-10-10 Roermond † 1968-07-23 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Women in the resistance - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: geneanet.org. [1] Mechteld Maessen was married to Jan Bronckhorst in 1927. They operated pub-hotel … t- |
van Joseph Hubertus Sef | ∗ 1916-12-09 Venray-Leunen † 1945-04-05 Dohnsen, D | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Netwerk Bongaerts - Broekhuizen/Tienray - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Sef van Megen became a teacher in Grashoek near Helden in 1935 and then in Broekhuizen from 1937. He was beloved by the children. From 1941 he helped prisoners of war, Allied pilots and Jews to … wall: left, row 05-01 |
Lambert P.Ch. Lambèr | ∗ 1924-11-22 Venlo † 1997-11-01 Venlo | - Students - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Venlo - The photo at the right shows Lambert Meijers as a scout (archive of Marianne Meijers) [1]. The source of the photo below is his In Memoriam card. [2] Lambert Meijers and Paul Ex … t- |
Franciscus Johannes | ∗ 1901-08-23 Den Haag † 1978-10-30 Den Haag | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Netwerk Bongaerts - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Heerlen - The above information and the death notice on the right are from geni.com. Click on the link under it to see it in full resolution. The accompanying text reads: Molenaar … t- |
Jacobus Johannes Jac “Van Doorn” | ∗ 1913-12-31 Egchel (Helden) † 1945-04-15 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - People in hiding - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Peace Carillon - Venlo - On June 6, 1939, Jac Naus was appointed vicar in the parish of St. Martinus in Venlo. There, together with Ambrosius and his colleague wall: right, row 29-04 |
Peter Antonius Joseph Toon | ∗ 1916-06-20 Broekhuizenvorst † 1947-06-24 Venlo | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Netwerk Bongaerts - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Intelligence - Broekhuizen/Tienray - Toon Peeters, popularly known as blacksmith Toontje, was a blacksmith and bicycle dealer. [1] Cammaert writes about him: In Broekhuizen and Broekhuizenvorst the … wall: left, row 04-05 |
Marinus Johannes Rinus | ∗ 1918-09-27 Den Haag † 1944-08-30 Belfeld | - People in hiding - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Reuver - In the spring of 1944, a combat group (K.P.) Reuver was formed by B. Verstappen. Other members were J.H. Goossens, wall: middel, row 17-01 |
Jan Mathijs Jan | ∗ 1908-10-11 Echt † 1962-01-25 Sittard | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - BS (Domestic Forces) - Survivors - Echt - The picture on the right is from parlement.com [1] On July 1, 1936, Jan Peters was appointed principal of the Catholic boys’ school in Roosteren. During the war … t- |
Jacobus Gerardus Jacob | ∗ 1885-02-21 Venray † 1944-08-04 Horst-America | - Zwarte Plak - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Horst - During World War II, Jacob and Johanna Poels-Emonts took in dozens of Jews, hiders, prisoners of war, and Allied airmen on their farm, De Zwarte Plak [1], near Horst-America. Jakob died … wall: left, row 24-02 |
Henricus Hubertus Harry | ∗ 1907-03-06 Heer † 1986-03-20 Venlo | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Survivors - Venlo - Cammaert writes about him in a summary: Venlo and elsewhere, police detective. Resistance pioneer. Became involved in helping Jews and was affiliated with the O.D. Since the … t- |
Mattheus Hubertus Math | ∗ 1901-04-01 Roermond † 1978-02-23 Roermond | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Ondergrondse pers - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Survivors - Roermond - Cammaert writes about him in summary: Roermond, printer. Produced all kinds of forbidden printed matter, including illegal press (“Trouw”). [1] It is written in … t- |
Rooyackers /Rooijackers,
Wilhelmus Antonius Wim | ∗ 1918-03-13 Heerlen † 1944-09-05 Vught | - Police - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ondergrondse pers - Heerlen - Wim Rooyackers was a trade correspondent and a member of the mine police. Almost from the beginning of the war he was involved with prisoners of war who had escaped from German camps. [1][2#3] … wall: left, row 17-03 |
Peter Leonard Leo “Huub” | ∗ 1892-10-10 Echt † 1943-05-02 Wellerlooi (Bergen [L]) | - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Civil Servants - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Heer - Leo Ruyters was deputy Chief Controller of the C.C.D. (The Centrale Controle Dienst, Central Control Service, 1934-1954, mainly supervised trade in scarce goods. [1]) Member of the … wall: left, row 14-05 |
Marie Clotilde Hélène Hélène “Lèneke” | ∗ 1894-07-03 Kapelhof-Rekem (B) † 1945-07-11 Sankt Gallen (CH) | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Aid to escaped POW’s - Women in the resistance - Amby - Photo: Amiepedia [4] Hélène Schoenmaeckers came from a true resistance family. Her sister Adèle and her brother wall: left, row 01-02 |
Paul Fernand Cécile Ghislain Marie Jean | ∗ 1886-09-21 Amby (Maastricht) † 1945-04-21 Obrnice (Č) | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Amby - Belgium - Paul Schoenmaeckers (“Jean”) from Amby (today a quarter of Maastricht) married Hélène Palmers on June 12, 1911 in Stevoort near Hasselt. From then on they lived in Rekem (Belgian … u-01-02 |
Adolf Hubertus Dolf “Louis Brassé” | ∗ 1895-05-23 Montfort † 1975-09-19 Sittard | - Intelligence - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Sittard - Dolf Simonis was a historically interested French teacher in Sittard and as such knew the misdeeds of the German army during World War I in Belgium. Already before the war, he had … t- |
Petrus Johannes Hubertus Jean | ∗ 1912-11-24 Baexem † 1988-03-02 Wanssum | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Grubbenvorst - Weert - During the occupation, Jean Slots was vicar to parish priest Henri Vullinghs in Grubbenvorst and later in Weert. [1.1] In … t- |
Jan Hubertus Alphonse Jan | ∗ 1921-08-18 Eijsden † 2015-03-06 Eijsden | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Survivors - Eijsden - Jan Smeets was a son of the grower and merchant of fruit Alphons Smeets in Eijsden. He was involved in helping u-01-02 |
Michiel Hubert Alphonse Alphons | ∗ 1887-07-14 Mheer (L) † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen, prov. Utrecht | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Eijsden - Alphons Smeets was a grower and merchant of fruit in Eijsden, neighbor and tenant of Raphael de Liedekerke, father of Jef and wall: left, row 07-05 |
Gerard Antoon Gerard | ∗ 1918-07-21 Horst † 1944-08-19 Vught | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Horst - Gerard Smulders was a farmer. The following is a slightly shortened version of his biography on wo2slachtoffers.nl. [1] He took care of people in hiding and escaped prisoners … wall: left, row 23-03 |
Terwisscha van Scheltinga,
Jacques Jaco | ∗ 1922-07-08 Schiedam † 1945-04-11 Celle | - Forced Labor - People in hiding - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Weert - Jacques Johan Cornelis Terwisscha van Scheltinga worked as a salesman in a clothing store in Dokkum, was to be deported to Germany for forced labor, but escaped at the train station in Leeuwarden … wall: right, row 37-02 |
Johannes Jozef Jan “Nicolaas” | ∗ 1919-12-21 Velden † 1956-01-09 Ede | - Police - Initial resistance - Local contacts - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Arcen en Velden - Venlo - Jan Theelen was born in Velden on December 21, 1919, a Sunday. Unless otherwise stated, this and the following data are taken from the article De oorlog die Jan Theelen … t- |
Peter Anthonius Franciscus Pierre “Père Tim” | ∗ 1891-08-13 Neer † 1975-04-19 Nancy | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Initial resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Pierre Timmermans was the central person on the escape route via Nancy. He was a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (the Spiritans), an organization of French origin. [1] t- |
Franciscus Wilhelmus Gerardus Hendricus Frans | ∗ 1914-01-25 Roermond † 1977-12-01 Sint Odiliënberg | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Survivors - Roermond - Cammaert writes in his introduction about Frans Verbruggen: Roermond, administrator sanatorium “Hornerheide”. Was affiliated with the O.D. and made himself especially … t- |
Leonardus Mattheus Leo | ∗ 1916-07-24 Weert † 1945-03-02 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Echt - Vicar Verdonschot began his resistance work by helping French-speaking prisoners of war who had escaped from Germany. They were taken to Belgium via Wessem/Maasbracht-Stevensweert. (Cammaert … wall: left, row 06-05 |
Bernardus Petrus Lambertus Ben | ∗ 1914-04-23 Reuver † 1944-08-30 Belfeld | - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Beesel - In the spring of 1944, Ben Verstappen, 30 years old, merchant, residing at Keulscheweg 597 in Reuver, had formed a K.P.(combat group), which was affiliated with the regional K.P.-Noord-Limburg … wall: left, row 03-03 |
van de Renier Hubertus Renier “Neer” | ∗ 1902-03-08 Neeritter † 1952-08-03 Roermond | - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Renier van de Vin was born and raised in Neeritter, right on the Belgian border. As far as the L.O was concerned, Neeritter belonged to the rayon of Heythuysen in the district of Roermond. … t- |
Marie Hubertina Theodora Pia | ∗ 1920-05-18 Maastricht † 1944-09-11 Opglabbeek (B) | - Women in the resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Secret Army (B) - Amby - Belgium - The daily newspaper Het Belang van Limburg wrote on September 18, 2017 [1] under the title "The 9/11 of Opglabbeek": "Shot after an attack by resistance fighters on retiring Germans. In … u-01-02 |
Peter Hendrik Piet | ∗ 1913-11-11 Roggel † 1944-10-09 Heythuysen | - People in hiding - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Haelen - Piet Vossen was a farmer at the Spikkerhoeve. When he and his siblings were little children, their mother died and their father married her sister Antonia Hubertina Salimans on August 16, … wall: left, row 12-05 |
Peter Josephus Jos | ∗ 1913-01-18 Stramproy † 1944-11-26 Neuengamme-Engerhafe | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Forced Labor - Aid to escaped POW’s - Stramproy - Photo: Jos Vrancken [1] Peter Josef Vrancken was called Jos or Sjef in Stramproy. Cammaert calls him P.Vrancken below. The L.O. group of Stramproy was actively … wall: right, row 19-03 |