Leo Brouwer (Leendert Th.)
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Leendert Th. Brouwer is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 30 #02

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Leo Brouwer
(Leendert Th.)

 01-06-1907 Nijmegen      02-05-1943 Wellerlooi (Bergen [L]) (35)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Maastricht - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) -


    Leendert Brouwer was the district head of Maastricht of the CCD (Crisis Controle Dienst, an agency designed to protect the food market from black marketeers)istrictsleider Crisis Controle Dienst of CCD [1]. He was part of the resistance group Bouman, which brought downed Allied aircrew and escaped prisoners of war to safety.Arrested on May 1, 1943, for inciting participation in the strikes of April-May 1943. He was shot with six others in the nature reserve De Hamert in Wellerlooi. [2]
    Read De geschiedenis achter het verzetsmonument Wellerlooi. (The story behind the Resistance Memorial Wellerlooi) [3]
    Buried in Maastricht, cemetery on the Tongerseweg, Circle of Honour R: graves of soldiers as well as 6 killed Limburg resistance fighters..nbsp;[4]
    Biography (pdf) at struikelsteentjes-maastricht.nl. [5]
    See also the article: Als de mijnwerkers staken tegen de Duitse bezetter, When the miners go on strike against the German occupiers. [6]
    Leendert Th. ( Leo ) Brouwer is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [7]


    1. Wikipedia NL CCD, Crisis Controle Dienst
    2. maastrichtsegevelstenen.nl
    3. Verzetsmonument Wellerlooi
      Monument der Gevallenen op de Hamert
    4. Maastricht, begraafplaats aan de Tongerseweg: Ererotonde R, R 22 B
    5. struikelsteentjes-maastricht.nl Biografie (pdf)
    6. Als de mijnwerkers staken tegen de Duitse bezetter
    7. Erelijst 1940-1945
    8. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl
    9. Wikipedia NL: April-meistakingen