Martin “Bob” Bouman (Martinus Antonius Marie)
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Martinus Antonius Marie Bouman is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 04 #04

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Martin “Bob” Bouman
(Martinus Antonius Marie)

 05-05-1899 Gouda      02-05-1943 Wellerlooi (43)
- Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Roermond - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Zwarte Plak -

Het Grote Gebod – L.O.

    Before WWII, Bob Bouman was an officer in the Dutch Colonial Army NIL. [1]
    After six years in the tropics, he and his family returned to the Netherlands. Here the disease multiple sclerosis made itself felt. As a result of this Bouman, who was by then promoted to first lieutenant, was honorably discharged effective August 1, 1931.
    In 1934 he was appointed chief controller of the Central Control Service CCD in Roermond
     [8] for Limburg and eastern North Brabant.
    Even before the war he was active against National Socialism. He collected data on the border and discovered in 1939, together with a friend, that the later Prime Minister De Geer was donating food parcels to Germany, including to the German army. [8]
    De Geer advocated a synthesis of democracy and National Socialism. [2]
    Bouman helped during the occupation downed Allied airmen and French-speaking prisoners of war who had escaped from Germany. In 1940 and 1941 still on his own, then with R.H. van de Vin from Neeritter and the catholic parih proiest Henri Vullinghs from Grubbenvorst.
    Through the Group Bongaerts they got in june 1942 a larger network. [3]
    In 1943 he took part in the April-May strike, in South Limburg also known as the miners’ strike. This proved to be his undoing. Two of his colleagues were arrested and were to be executed if he would not report to the Germans. When he heard of this threat, he immediately turned himself in. [8]
    See also the article: When the miners went on strike against the German occupiers [4]
    Knight of the Militaire Willems-Orde 4th class. [5]
    Martinus Antonius Marie ( Martin “Bob” ) Bouman is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [6]

    Reburied on the National Field of Honor in Loenen, grave E 55 [7]


    1. Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol
    2. Dirk Jan de Geer, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol
    3. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      4. Hulpverlening aan geallieerde piloten en hun bemanningsleden, II.2. Midden- en Noord-Limburg en de verbindingen met België en Frankrijk, p.248
    4. Als de mijnwerkers staken tegen de Duitse bezetter
    5. Militaire Willems-Orde, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisPortuguês
    6. Erelijst 1940-1945
    7. Nationaal Ereveld Loenen, oorlogsmonumenten
      Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutsch
    10. Wikipedia NL: April-meistakingen