Limburg 1940-1945,
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Vicar in Valkenburg 1938-1950. Contact person of the LO for people in hiding, together with the sexton Harie van Ogtrop, supported by J. Peusens and J. van de Aa. His last position: dean of Meerssen (1963-1975), where he is also buried.
See Im Memoriam card in the Rijckheyt Archive. [1]
He was a brother of the post-war KVP politician Louis Horsmans, who was also a contact person for the L.O. during the war(in Houthem-Sint Gerlach) and deputy of Heinrich Stahl in the limestone quarry Schunck near Geulhem. Also a third brother, Jan Frans Antoon Horsmans, tenant of the Wijngaardshof in Ulestraten was member of the resistance. There Sjeng Coenen and Joep Francotte were arrested.