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Limburg 1940-1945,
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1940-1945. The resistance in the dutch province of Limburg



Customs officer H.L. Polak was at the head of the L.O. in Posterholt. Among others, vicar P.J.J. Pennings, rector E.A.G. van den Boorn and teacher J.F.A. van Heel participated. (Cammaert VIb p. 632)
Many details about the liberation of "Postert" at Quote:

Did you know…
… that we continue the Posterholt in World War II series with Part 5, and here the focus is on the convent and school of the Posterholt Ursuline Sisters. For there were several hundred, perhaps a thousand evacuees housed during the Second World War, at least when the evacuation of 5,000 inhabitants of Susteren and another hundred from across the German border was ordered by the (German) authorities.
… that in the meantime also the Polak resistance group from Poster had to move from the Maessen parental home to the attic of the Ursuline nuns. A German officer demanded to be billeted at the Maessen parents’ house... And it was not possible to carry out resistance activities so close to the enemy. Especially not when it came to intercepting radio messages, creating, disseminating and couriering messages, etc.
… that such quartering of Germans took place with many families in Postert. More than once it turned out that these soldiers, as well as many inhabitants of the neighboring German border region, did not support the ideas and actions of the Nazis at all. In fact, friendships often developed between them. German soldiers often helped the Posterholters and others, for example, by getting ration coupons for food or even by mediating and warning when there was a raid.
… that there were many examples of this. For example, 56-year-old father Tinus Janssen ("Tinus van de Sjmeed") was not sent to work in Germany with his sons thanks to the intervention of a German soldier who was billeted with the Janssen family.
Visit the war museum in Montfort. It is more than worth it. Open every first Sunday of the month with or without an appointment. And of course the exhibition about resistance and liberation in the Rur triangle is still running in the HVR museum in St. Odilienberg.
… that the Rur Triangle Museum is located in Montfort at Dijkstraat 5. It is located in the center of Montfort, the village in the Rur region that was most affected by bombing and fighting during the war.
… that the traces of these battles can still be seen on the facade and rafters of the barn that houses the museum.
… that the Rur Triangle Museum is dedicated to those who fought for our freedom. Because it should not be forgotten.
The Rur Triangle Museum: Dijkstraat 5 6065 AT, Montfort. 06-15691733. Open Tuesday through Friday from 18:00 - 20:00. Open every first Sunday of the month from 10:00 - 17:00 with expert guides!

That not all quarterings went off in such a humane manner is shown by the following story of Rector Van den Boorn.

Hoofdstraat 59, Posterholt (Open Street Map)

Liberated: 1945-01-26

The fallen resistance people in Limburg

Posterholt – 3 pers.

Boorn, van den
Eugène Alphonse Georges
∗ 1911-07-04
† 1944-11-05
Effeld, Kr. Geilenkirchen
- The clergy - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Posterholt -

Eugène van den Boorn came from Gronsveld, near Maastricht [1] and during the occupation, he was rector in Posterholt near
wall: right, row 03-02
∗ 1926-10-20
† 1944-12-16
- Forced Labor - Susteren - Posterholt -

Jozef Gulikers was a railroad worker and lived in Posterholt. He was arrested on October 11, 1944,. According to his death certificate at the civil registry in Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth, he died at …

wall: right, row 20-03
Godefriedus Henricus
∗ 1919-06-21
† 1943-01-13
KZ Sachsenhausen
- Forced Labor - Unorganized resistance - Posterholt -

Frits Konings lived in Posterholt and was a miner. [1]
The Identification and Recovery Service (Dienst Identificatie en Berging) writes about him: Forced labor in the …
wall: right, row 03-03