Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Sjoerd Rinzema was a baker [1#12] and miner [1#2] and had lived in Heerlen since August 4, 1930. [1#3]
According to almost all sources, e.g. oorlogsgravenstichting.nl/ [6] and verzetsmuseum.org [2] his name was Rinzema, according to the card index of the CPN (communist party) it was Rensema. [3]
Since the same date of death is given, it is probably about the same person. Distributor of De Vonk and De Waarheid. [3]
On May 30, 1942, Sjoerd Rinzema was arrested in Heerlen. [4]
He arrived at Dachau concentration camp on May 26, 1944, was liberated there on April 29, 1945. After liberation, he was taken by plane from Dachau to Maastricht and admitted to a hospital, where he died on June 1, 1945. [1#4]
Sjoerd Rinzema /Rensema is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [4]
Reburied on the National Field of Honor in Loenen, grave B 402 [5]