1940-1945 - The Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem"> priests
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Limburg 1940-1945,
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People who played a role during WW2 in and around Valkenburg. Most of them appear in the resistance story about Valkenburg. In that case, click on More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg next to that name.
This list is far from being complete.
Read also 1940-1945 - The Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem

† ✡ † Jews Holocaust Allied soldiers USA RAF NL sold Verzet initial resistance L.O. K.P. municipality local contacts couriers occasional resistance Gr. Smit people in hiding Valkenburg+ Valkenburg Berg en Terblijt Schin op Geul IJzeren Sibbe Margraten Houthem-St.Gerlach Geulhem Hulsberg Houthem Klimmen Meerssen Heerlen police priests NSB / NSDAP Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem

The clergy Even before the war, the Dutch churches made it very clear: national socialism is incompatible with Christian principles. The bishop of Roermond was also very firm in this. In the Limburgian resistance, especially in assisting people in hiding, the clergy presence was prominent at every level, among them mainly chaplains.7 pers.
Jan Willem
∗ 1907-04-12
† 1945-03-13
early resistance - L.O. - priest - Heerlen - person in hiding - war victim - Since september 10, 1933, Giel Berix was a kapelaan (in the Netherlands a term for Roman Catholic auxiliary parish priests, vicars. In Belgium they are also called Onderpastoor) at St. Pancratius Church in Heerlen. [4]
Giel is a regional call name still very common at that time, standing for …

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Theodorus Gertrudis Hubertus
∗ 1904-02-04
† 1962-05-19
L.O. - priest - Meerssen - survivor - Vicar in Meerssen since 1928, 1944 pastor of the male youth work in Limburg, parish priest in Roermond. Pierre Schunck of the L.O. Valkenburg wrote: In 1942 I heard from vicar Berix that a vicar Geelen from Meerssen hid two boys …

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G. Hub
∗ 1909-02-15
† 1970-11-26
early resistance - priest - Valkenburg - survivor - Hub Hennekens was ordained priest on March 13, 1937, was vicar in Berg en Terblijt from September 1937, vicar in the parish of Sts . Nikolaas & Barbara in Valkenburg from May 1939, parish priest in Rothem near Maastricht from September 1955, retired from February 1964, first in Overbunde, then in …

Willem Bernard Jozef
∗ 1912-05-20
† 1987-05-31
L.O. - local contact - priest - survivor - Vicar in Valkenburg 1938-1950. Contact person of the LO for people in hiding, together with the sexton Harie van Ogtrop, supported by J. Peusens and J. van de Aa. His last position: dean of Meerssen (1963-1975), where he is also buried.
See Im …

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Nicolaas Maria Hubertus
∗ 1908-11-05
Sint Geertruid
† 2003-09-21
L.O. - priest - Heerlen - survivor - During one of the first days of September 1943, at the home of Rector Nic Prompers in the hospital, the L.O. district Heerlen was established. Prompers became the first district leader, but for health reasons he handed over that function to Giel …

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Westerhoven, van
Pater Ferdinand
∗ 0000-00-00
† 0000-00-00
L.O. - priest - Valkenburg - survivor - As Father Ferdinand he was a member (and chief?) of the monastery on the Cauberg (sscc). Worked for the Resistance during the occupation. Involuntarily witnessed the “execution” of Funs Savelberg.
A fellow resident of the then monastery on the …

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∗ 0000-00-00
† 0000-00-00
L.O. - priest - Sibbe - survivor - Rector in Sibbe 1939-1944. [1]
He helped Jews and Communists to hide, together with Abraham Cornelis van der Gronden. At the end of 1943 they joined the L.O., sub-district of Valkenburg. Due to the talkativeness of the person in hiding A.S. …

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